

THEME: Finding Common Ground

Sunday, July 28
11:00 AM

Rev. Dr. Jennifer Dorsey
Supply Priest

Trinity Episcopal Church
Rensselaerville, NY

“Finding Common Ground: Lessons From Church History”

Rev. Dr. Jennifer Dorsey is a graduate of Emory University (BA), Nashotah House School of Theology (MM), Boston College (MA), and Georgetown University (Ph.D.). She is a bi-vocational priest serving as supply clergy at Trinity Episcopal Church, Rensselaerville and professor of history at Siena College.

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220th Anniversary Celebration Service

A service of remembrance and celebration in observance of the 220th anniversary of the first service of worship in our first church building on September 11, 1796 was held on September 11, 2016.

Moderator Rev. Alexandra Lusak officiated. Rev. James Miller brought greetings from former moderator Rev. Robert Lamar and spoke about his own term as moderator. Members of the Session read remembrances from former moderators Rev. Donna Elia and Rev. Joseph Shook, passages from scripture and excerpts from the church history authored by Barbara Dudley and Nancy Chase. The Village Voices sang, led by church Music Director Jan Bishop.
Four new members were received into the church during the service. A gala reception followed in Conkling Hall.

Anniversary Service Program

Montage of Anniverary Service Photos by John Eldridge: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1I-yTQSgMxW74vH1hENSS4_2xHXVDh2Ty/view

All Are Welcome!

Whether you are a person of faith, questioning faith or no faith, you are welcome in our church and at our services. We are inclusive and nonjudgmental.

Please see the “All Are Welcome” tab on this website for a special invitation.